Thursday, June 7, 2007


In the Teach us Your Word Lord goup I am teaching On Psalm 119 currently.
You may join that group if you would like to participate or just study everybody's comments on the Bible study.

When I announced that I was going to do a study on Psalm 119 comments about the psalm were already being posted.
Here is one of them and then my reply is afterwards.

- In, Ray Gunn

> A great Psalm Pastor Bill. In case you didn't know, Psalm 119 is
built on the 22 letters of the alphabet, or aleph-bet to the Hebrews.
In other words, every verse begins with a different letter of the
Hebrew aleph-bet beginning with Aleph the first letter through Tav the
last letter. There are 176 verses in Psalm 119 and every 8 verses
begins with that letter of the aleph-bet. The first 8 verses all begin
with the letter aleph, the next 8 verses 9-16 begin with bet, the next
8 verses begin with gimel etc until the last 8 verses all begin with
tav. This isn't the only book of the Bible that does this either.
Lamentations is built on much the same principle. Other portions of
scripture do this to some extent also. I think God is trying to show
us that The Word is everything to life, and Jesus is The WORD.
Communication in other words, is foundational to existence. What kind
of life would it be if noone could communicate? Women are better at
this than men too, and that is> another subject worth exploring.
Should be a good study!

My reply:

Yes, I knew that about every 8 letters being another letter of the
Hebrew alphabet starting with aleph.
That will be somewhere in my intorductory lessons.

In fact since Psalms are poetic, they have a form of poetry and
acrostics/acronyms are one form of poetry.
An acronym is where a word also forms another thought like:
Joy =

That is an acrostic for a simple sermon about
1. putting Jesus first,
2. then serving Others in ministry and
3. finally taking care of Yourself in relationship with Jesus.

So Psalm 119 is like an alphabetic acronym.

But thanks for posting that.
It is an excellent pre-introduction to our series on Psalm 119.

Brother Ray, that was an excellent added thought about communication.
Jesus is the Word as you said.
Communication is key for all societies to develop and succeed
including God's Kingdom.

Anybody else like to comment about God's Word being a blessing to you?

Sincerely in Christ,
Pastor Bill

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